FAQs Tamara

Split your payments

Shop your favorite stores and checkout with Tamara.
Pay a fraction of your total now and the rest over time -
no late fees, Sharia compliant!

Why Tamara?

  • No hassle, no stress

    No more tedious approval processes. Sign up in less than 2 minutes with your ID and mobile number.
  • No late fees, Sharia compliant!

    That’s right – we’re 100% Sharia compliant!
  • Seamless refunds and returns

    With Tamara, your refund and return experiences have never been more hassle-free.

How do I use Tamara?

It’s simple - you’ll be there in 3 simple steps!
  • 1

    Checkout via Tamara

    Shop & split your payments with Tamara. No late fees, Sharia compliant!
  • 2

    Make your first payment

    Log in or sign up with your mobile number, verify your ID if it’s your first order, and make your first payment
  • 3

    And you’re done!

    Enjoy your order! Download the Tamara app to settle your payments, and explore our stores and offers.

Never miss a payment!

With our app, elevate your shopping experience, stay on top of your payment plan,
and never miss out on exclusive deals and offers.

Questions you might ask

  • What’s required for me to pay with Tamara?

    It’s simple! You’ll need to be over 18 years old with a valid, verifiable mobile number, a valid ID, and a valid payment card in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates or Kuwait.** Tamara's availability may vary depending on the store you are shopping at.
  • When can I expect to receive my order if I choose to pay with Tamara?

    You’ll receive your order on time, and make your payments according to your payment plan.If you have any questions or concerns regarding payments, please reach out to the Tamara Customer Care team for support.
  • What happens if I want to make a return / cancellation?

    With Tamara, it’s hassle-free! Based on the store’s policies, request the return or cancellation from the store. Once the store informs us of your return or cancellation, your payment plan will be updated and the relevant amount will be refunded to your account. For more details, please visit Tamara help center..
  • Why was my order declined?

    There are several potential reasons for rejection, including but not limited to the following:
    1. Your card isn't activated or fit for e-commerce purchasing.
    2. You have prior commitments to your bank/telecommunications company and/or are flagged by Simah/Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB)/Ci-Net.
    3. You have overdue payments with Tamara.
    4. Tamara's intricate risk system considers the value of your purchase too high.
    5. The value of the items you're trying to buy exceeds the allowed purchase limit.
    If none of the above reasons apply to you, please try again with a different card.
  • How do I pay with Tamara?

    Just shop your favorite stores, and select Tamara as your payment method on the store’s checkout page!If you’re shopping in-store, simply inform the cashier that you’d like to pay with Tamara and follow the steps shared with you.
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